Welcome at the Institute of Physical Geography at Frankfurt University.

Deutsche Seite

Our expertise lies in unravelling how humans interact with their terrestrial environment and how global change is influencing these interactions. In our »research, we use both quantitative and qualitative methods to explore current, past and future environmental changes. The institute is home to about 40 academic, research and technical »staff and teaches some 600 students in various »undergraduate and graduate programs.

Six research groups (listed alphabetically) examine how human actors, landscape structure, soils, water, vegetation and climate interact:

Former research groups (retired):


Institute of Physical Geography
Johann Wolfgang Goethe University
Altenhoeferallee 1
D-60438 Frankfurt am Main

Tel. +49-(0)69-798-40155 / -40168
Fax +49(0)69-798-40170 / -40169

Email: sekretariat-ipg@uni-frankfurt.de

How to get to IPG/Geozentrum